A Basic Catering Menu Guide for Diabetic Guests

Planning a meal for guests with type 2 diabetes can place a lot of pressure on your shoulders. After all, you take diabetic health seriously and would never want to accidentally put someone’s life in jeopardy. But catering an event or party with diabetic guests is not a challenging feat so long as you understand the fundamentals behind type two diabetes, including what type II diabetics should and should not eat.

Continue below for a basic catering guide for diabetic guests, plus where you can find professional caters in Georgia who specialize in custom menus.

Diabetic Catering Peachtree City Georgia 678-340-0510
Diabetic Catering Peachtree City Georgia 678-340-0510

Facts About Type II Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a health condition that inhibits the body’s natural ability to use and regulate sugar, or glucose. Many people with this disease do not naturally product enough insulin, a hormone your body needs to control the use of glucose. Others do not respond to insulin, making them sugar-deficient since the body needs sugar in order for cells to function the right way.

Because those with Type 2 diabetes fluctuate in blood sugar levels, they have to test their blood throughout the day. Having high blood sugar levels is dangerous and can lead to all sorts of serious health conditions if prolonged. For these reasons and more, it is critical for Type two diabetic individuals to maintain a healthy, blood sugar-approved nutrition plan.

When catering for guests with diabetes, all you need to do is learn what they should and should not eat. Use this knowledge as a basis when planning your catering menu.

Understanding the Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is an important blood sugar measurement for those with diabetes. Foods that have a high glycemic index will spike blood sugars, while foods with a lower glycemic index will impact the blood sugar levels much less.

Approved Foods for Diabetics

Although each person with diabetes is different and has their own individual and unique dietary needs, there are some main category foods that can help you plan a diabetes-friendly catering spread. Many diabetics can enjoy some forms of sugar in moderation, including complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. Virtually all diabetics are encouraged to maintain a nutritious balance between healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbs to properly regulate blood sugars.

Here are some examples of foods recommended for Type II Diabetics:

□ High Fiber Food
□ Low-Fat Dairy Products
□ Whole Grains
□ Healthy Fats (Nuts, avocado, olive oil, etc.)
□ Legumes
□ Fruits
□ Vegetables
□ Fish
□ Chicken
□ Turkey

Here are some examples of foods that SHOULD NOT be served to guests with Type II Diabetes:

❌ Red Meat
❌ Processed Meat
❌ White Bread
❌ Refined Pasta
❌ Refined Rice
❌ Foods with Added Sugar
❌ Any Sugary Foods

Are you looking for high-quality diabetic-friendly catering options for your upcoming event or special occasion? Contact Food for Thought Catering at 678-340-0510 for customized catering in Peachtree City, Georgia for corporate events, social events, wedding events, and more. We deliver full-service catering for small and large gatherings.   

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Alcohol Ordering Guide for Wedding Receptions

Fall and winter weddings are being planned right now, which means it is not too early to place your wedding reception catering orders. When it comes to ordering enough alcohol for your wedding reception, there are some factors to keep in mind. If you order too much, you are taking away from your overall wedding budget, but if you order too little, you risk disappointing your guests and taking away from the overall experience.

To avoid this problem on your upcoming special day, scroll down to view a simple alcohol ordering guide that will help you calculate how much alcohol you need per guest at your wedding reception.

Wedding Caterers Peachtree City Georgia 678-340-0510
Wedding Caterers Peachtree City Georgia 678-340-0510

Wedding Reception Bar Planning

Planning the alcohol and bar element of a wedding reception can pose all sorts of challenges if you are not equipped with the right information. Preparation is key when it comes to organizing an efficient bar plan that falls within your budget while also meeting your celebratory expectations.

It is your aim to order just the right amount of alcohol, plus optimize the selections to best fit your wedding’s theme or agenda. You can achieve this objective with ease by using this basic guide to alcohol ordering:

How Much Alcohol is Enough for a Wedding?

Knowing how much is enough when it comes to bar planning is fiddly. Not everyone will drink alcohol, and those who do will have varying amounts in differing selections. Fortunately, there is a way around this chaos.

The general rule of thumb for wedding guest alcohol orders is decreed in a time-to-person ratio: For a 4 hour reception, plan for around 4 to 5 drinks per guest.

Using a base of 12 ounce beers, 5 ounce glasses of wine, and 1.5 ounces of liquor, this general rule of thumb should allow each guest to enjoy one drink per hour of your event. Not only is this sufficient for guest satisfaction, but it also abates over-drinking.

Just Serving Beer and Wine?

If you are planning to only serve beer and wine (including champagne) at your wedding reception, aim for a 60:40 ratio of 60% beer and 40% wine selections.

Serving All Selections?

If you wish to serve beer, wine, and mixed drinks at your wedding reception, use a 20:35:45 ratio of 20% beer, 35% wine and champagne, and 45% liquor.  

Additional Tips for Planning Your Wedding Reception Bar Order

When it comes to beer, kegs are great options. Not only are they economical, but they are readily available and easy to use. The average metal beer keg can serve between 140 to 165 12-ounce beers. Be sure to rent an extra tap in case the one you are given breaks.

As for wine, take note that one 750 ML bottle of wine traditionally serves 5 glasses. Magnum bottles, which are the much larger wine bottles, serve 10 glasses on average. Be wise on your scope of wine selections too. Merlot and chardonnay are the most popular wedding guest wine orders, as well as prosecco champagne.

Liquor for shots and mixed drinks mainly consists of vodka, tequila, scotch, and bourbon. Unless your wedding has a particular theme that includes rum-based cocktails like mojitos or pina coladas, rum is not usually a common wedding guest drink order. The same goes for gin. As for mixers, aim for 3 bottles per bottle of liquor.

Are you looking for professional wedding catering service? Contact Food for Thought Catering at 678-340-0510 to speak with an experienced catering manager about large group catering and weddings in Peachtree City, Georgia and its surrounding counties.

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